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The must-sees

  • Pink Farm:  A fine example of a traditional Lorraine home characterised by its pink rendering and a door lintel bearing the date “1838” – Listed monument
  • Chapel of Notre Dame du Luxembourg & Hermitage: Chapel built in the aftermath of the plague epidemic of 1636 and enlarged in 1729 with the addition of a hermitage – Listed monument
  • The “vintages” (18th & 19th c.): Above the old doors, there are many “vintages” engraved with symbols that reflect the desire to protect the house (star, sun, heart, wheel, etc.)
  • Washhouse: A covered building that used to provide a place for village women to wash and rinse their clothes in all seasons – Listed monument
  • Raymond Mayné Natural Reserve: One of the first nature reserves in Belgium, with an extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna
  • Montquintin Castle: A city since the 12th century, there are ruins of a castle on the top of a hillock open to the landscape – Exceptional Heritage of Wallonia (Outside the village – 5 km)

A Meridonial Village 

Torgny lives in a proven microclimate. A small southern village of the Lorraine region, leaning against a hillside, is protected from the northern breezes by the forest massif that borders it. The result is one of the mildest climates allowing the cultivation of vines today: “Le Poirier du Loup“, “Les Fouchères” and “L’épinette” are three vineyards whose production is directly inspired by the south. This south never ceases to overflow from the locals’ hearts and sings in the colours of the village houses. The stone buildings have warm colours, and the roofs have red Roman tiles.

As you walk down the sloping streets that converge on the Chiers, you first come across a small listed heritage: a religious niche, a washhouse and two traditional farms. Next, the Raymond Mayné nature reserve, one of the oldest in Belgium, comes into view. This ancient quarry is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. From here, there are beautiful views of the surrounding French and Belgian landscapes. Every year in July, “La Foire Artisanale de Torgny” (artisanal fair) brings together artists and craftsmen from the region to discover the flavours of the land.


Maison du Tourisme de Gaume 
Rue du Moulin, 35
6740 Etalle
Tél. : +32 (0)63/ 39 31 00
Site web


Syndicat d’Initiative « Le Méridional »
Place Albert Paul, 6
6767 Torgny
Tél. : + 32 (0)63/ 57 83 81
Site web

Parc Naturel De Gaume
Rue Camille Joset, 1
6730 Rossignol
Tél. : + 32 (0)63/ 45 71 26
Site web

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The association Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie (The Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia) oversees a network of 32 villages, bearers of a strong territorial identity and reflecting traditional architecture. It is committed to promoting the rural, cultural and natural heritage of Wallonia and is a part of the development of local and responsible tourism.

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