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The must-sees

  • Traditional houses of the Lorraine: Semi-detached dwellings of two storeys and covered with a coloured protective plaster to enliven the traditional facades
  • The “usoirs”: They are typical spaces between the road and the adjoining building, formerly used for the storage of agricultural equipment and wood or manure
  • Old imperial mill: Witness to the Austrian past with a cartouche stamped with the double-headed eagle, topped by two crowns and the initials of Empress Maria Theresa
  • Washhouses: Dotted around the village, there are buildings demonstrating the functions of water in the rural life of the past


A Heritage between Ardenne and Lorraine

Nature is the dominant element in the Nobressart landscape. The four small valleys surrounding it fill each space with quietness and calm. The street structure of the village is completed by the Nobressart stream and its tributaries. The town is airy and homogeneous, with two main streets leading to small neighbourhoods. These comprise old houses, farms and smallholdings, mainly built during the 19th century and covered with white, sometimes pink, sometimes grey plaster. The whole shows a beautiful picture of this typical rural habitat of the Lorraine.

Among these houses, the Loutschen farm is an old agricultural holding whose origins date back to around 1732. The Rue du Koun and the Moulin Impérial area also represent the rural habitat of the past. The church of St John the Baptist, which stands above the main road, seems to look down on the group of remarkable buildings it overlooks. In Nobressart, there is a subtle alternation between yesterday’s and today’s activities: new integrated dwellings and a developed street space provide a change to the older façades, which are characterised by carriage doors or the small hayloft windows.


Maison du Tourisme du Pays d’Arlon
Rue des Faubourgs, 2
6700 Arlon
Tél. : + 32 (0) 63/ 21 94 54
Site web


Syndicat d’Initiative du Val d’Attert
Voie de la Liberté, 107
6717 Attert
Tél. : + 32 (0) 63/ 23 62 88
Site web


Parc Naturel de la Vallée de l’Attert
Voie de la Liberté, 107
6717 Attert
Tél. : + 32 (0) 63/ 22 78 55
Site web


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The association Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie (The Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia) oversees a network of 32 villages, bearers of a strong territorial identity and reflecting traditional architecture. It is committed to promoting the rural, cultural and natural heritage of Wallonia and is a part of the development of local and responsible tourism.

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