Our villages vary between rural heritage, classified monuments and remarkable sites. Whether castles, farms, churches or abbeys, traditional buildings, rural or natural heritage, discover the must-see Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia!
Immerse yourself in the heritage of My with the discovery tour FR - NL - EN
A reminder of times gone by, the extraction of limestone and then red marble marked a prosperous period for the locality.
A 19th century neo-Romanesque building as a promontory above the village of Celles.
At the bottom of the gentle Gaume, the ruins of Montquintin Castle, surrounded by its hamlet, contemplate the landscape - Exceptional Heritage of Wallonia (Outside the village - 5 km)
A blend of Romanesque and Gothic for this church which boasts authentic Baroque stalls similar to those in Cockayne Church in England - a listed monument.
Designed by Victor Horta, the adaptation of Art Nouveau to a rural context - private property
An ancient fortified house, a witness to the medieval past of the village, which became a presbytery and a large residence with a proven heritage value.
The mysterious world of the river (Outside the village 4 km).
With its back to the Place de la Halle, the silhouette of Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur church dominates the town and the countryside below
Some of the traditional houses in Mirwart still proudly bear witness to an old building technique.
With its long silhouette punctuated by its 15th century tower-porch, the Hesserée farm dominates the agricultural landscape that surrounds the locality.
The romantic remains of a 14th century count's residence - Exceptional heritage of Wallonia (Outside the village - 2 km).
The association Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie (The Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia) oversees a network of 32 villages, bearers of a strong territorial identity and reflecting traditional architecture. It is committed to promoting the rural, cultural and natural heritage of Wallonia and is a part of the development of local and responsible tourism.
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