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The must-sees

  • Mélin Square and Fortemps Farm (17th & 19th c.): A triangular square and old farm with the main building having a stepped gable overhang
  • Hesserée Farm (15th et 18th c.): Quadrilateral seigniorial farm with an imposing porch dungeon
  • Cense du Seigneur (16th-17th c.): Old Mélin seigniory built in Gobertange stone
  • Old Presbytery (18th c.): Dated 1729, old parish church with a brick façade embellished with Gobertange stone – Listed monument 
  • Wahenges Farm (18th c.): Example of a large quadrilateral farm, former property of the Averbode Abbey – Exceptional heritage of Wallonia (Outside the village – 2 km)
  • Gobertange Stone: White limestone extracted near Mélin and renowned for its quality (Grand-Place and Town Hall of Brussels, Mélin village, etc.)


A white paradise

Which of the sun-gilded wheat or the walls of Melin’s houses are brighter? It’s difficult to tell because each one likes to reflect as much light as the sun in the middle of summer. Mélin, it’s all that: a village well settled around rich agricultural plains and valleys, comprising several buildings made of local white stone, known as Gobertange stone. Among these buildings, there are small farms but also imposing farms with red and black tile roofs, particularly the Fortemps farm, the Cense du Seigneur, or the Hesserée farm, a reminder of a time when the lords reigned supreme.


But the stone is not all: the Gobertange stream and its tributaries, the ponds, the wrought iron bridges, the rows of willows and poplars planted along the paths and paved squares give the village a “very Provincial” sense of harmony. The church of Notre-Dame de la Visitation wallows in the middle of these little streets. Mélin also enjoys festivities: the wine festival, garden festival and artisanal exhibitions bring the village to life throughout the year. And gourmets are in for a treat because the village has a gourmet restaurant. Enjoy your visit.


Maison du Tourisme du Brabant wallon

Hôtel des Libertés –  Grand-Place, 1

1370 Jodoigne

+32 (0) 10/ 56 09 70

Qualité Village Mélin asbl
Rue de Sclimpré, 1
1370 Mélin
Tél. : + 32 (0) 475/41.68.01
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