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Logo Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie
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Logo Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie


Our villages vary between rural heritage, classified monuments and remarkable sites. Whether castles, farms, churches or abbeys, traditional buildings, rural or natural heritage, discover the must-see Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia!

  • Ny



The mysterious world of the river (Outside the village 4 km).

  • Mirwart
Massif domanial de Mirwart

State-owned forestry – Mirwart


A 1350-hectare forest estate, ideal for walking or strolling

Land of Herve
  • Soiron

Soiron thistle dryer

Traditional settlements

A symbol of the region's intense wool industry in the 19th century, it has brick facades pierced by numerous slits and marks the landscape with its singular silhouette.

  • Crupet

Saint-Antoine de Padoue Grotto Crupet

Churches and abbeys

In the footsteps of Saint Anthony of Padua or...the devil - Listed site

  • Wéris

Old fortified house of Wéris

Traditional settlements

An ancient fortified house, a witness to the medieval past of the village, which became a presbytery and a large residence with a proven heritage value.

  • Falaën

Old brewery in Falaën

Traditional settlements

A brewery that used to be supplied with water by the Brou, a small, partly arched stream that flowed nearby.

  • Lompret
Etang de Virelles Lompret

Aquascope of Virelles


A 100% natural immersion in the heart of one of the most beautiful ponds in Wallonia!

  • Mélin

Gobertange stone

Traditional settlements

The stone of the villages of the "Vallée Blanche"

Land of Herve
  • Olne
Cense de Froidbermont

Cense Seigneuriale of Froidbermont

Castles and monumental heritage

The residence of the barons of Olne de Froidbermont before the construction of Olne Castle

Land of Herve
  • Limbourg

Andrimont Castle and the ‘Lower Gate’ of Limbourg

Castles and monumental heritage

From medieval fortifications to pleasure residence, it was burnt down by the German army. The entrance pavilions remind us of the vanished castle.

  • Mélin

Wahenges Farm

Castles and monumental heritage

An exemplary Hesbignan quadrilateral farm - Exceptional heritage of Wallonia (Outside the village - 2 km).

  • Thon-Samson
Château-ferme de Thon

Castle-Farm of Thon

Castles and monumental heritage

A vast walled complex, developed mainly in the 16th and 17th centuries from a medieval keep.

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The association Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie (The Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia) oversees a network of 32 villages, bearers of a strong territorial identity and reflecting traditional architecture. It is committed to promoting the rural, cultural and natural heritage of Wallonia and is a part of the development of local and responsible tourism.

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