of Urbanism
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Logo Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie

Traditional settlements

Characteristic of a region, a village, discover the traditional village settlements and the elements of rural heritage which comprise them.

Type of discoveries
  • Lompret
LOMPRET ancien moulin Vaulx

Old mill of Vaulx

Traditional settlements

Protected by its imposing roof and tucked away at the bottom of the valley, the Vaulx mill took advantage of the convergence of the natural elements.

  • Nobressart
Habitation à Nobressart

Traditional houses of the Lorraine

Traditional settlements

The softness and variety of a colour palette contrasting with the surrounding meadows and the harsh Ardennes countryside nearby.

  • Nobressart
Ancien moulin impérial

Old imperial mill in Nobressart

Traditional settlements

Vintage "1776" and witness to the will of the Empress of Austria to build mills in Luxembourg.

  • Sosoye

Former Baudart Brewery

Traditional settlements

Evidence of the village's brewing activity since 1847.

Land of Herve
  • Soiron

Soiron thistle dryer

Traditional settlements

A symbol of the region's intense wool industry in the 19th century, it has brick facades pierced by numerous slits and marks the landscape with its singular silhouette.

  • Our
Maison de journalier à Our

Small day labourer’s house in Our

Traditional settlements

A single room on the ground floor and a bedroom upstairs for this house which had all the amenities.

Land of Herve
  • Olne

Patrician houses in Olne

Traditional settlements

Facades inspired by urban mansions, a symbol of economic growth and success for the Olne bourgeoisie of the 18th century.

  • Wéris

House of Megaliths

Traditional settlements

An ideal starting point for exploring the village of Wéris, the region and the famous megalithic field.

Land of Herve
  • Clermont-sur-Berwinne
Habitat sur la Place de la Halle

Late 17th century building in Clermont-sur-Berwinne

Traditional settlements

An elegant late 17th century building as the entrance to the Place de la Halle - Listed monument.

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The association Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie (The Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia) oversees a network of 32 villages, bearers of a strong territorial identity and reflecting traditional architecture. It is committed to promoting the rural, cultural and natural heritage of Wallonia and is a part of the development of local and responsible tourism.

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