of Urbanism
Logo Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie
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Logo Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie

From the main road, a monumental avenue of plane trees leads you straight to the Wibrin-Gillard castle farm.

A winding lane lined with traditional limestone houses will lead you to the heart of the village where the venerable “Vieux Tilleul” is enshrined!

My still lives to the rhythm of its agricultural activities. Its landscapes are made of crops wrapped in nature.

Pass through the secret valley of Lembrée and its forest reserves to end your walk on the peaks with their superb panoramas over Famenne and the Ardennes!

Tourist sites

  • Remarkable tree: old lime tree with a circumference of almost 4m
  • Lembrée Valley: site of great biological interest “Natura 2000
  • Lembrée wood: natural forest reserve
  • Landscape interest area: slopes and flats of the Lembrée
  • Grande Va” site: forest nature reserve
  • Ferme de la Bouverie: listed monument and site / Logne castle museum
  • Hillsides of Vieuxville and ruins of the Logne fortified castle (outside the 1 km itinerary): state-owned nature reserve and listed site
  • Panorama: landscapes of the Fagne-Famenne
  • Remarkable tree line: plane tree grove

Practical information

Ce circuit vous est proposé en partenariat avec l’Office du Tourisme de Ferrières.

Office du tourisme de Ferrières
Rue de Lognoul, 6
4190 Ferrières
+32(0)86/40 99 68
Site web

See the PDF of the walk
of kilometres: 
11 km

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The association Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie (The Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia) oversees a network of 32 villages, bearers of a strong territorial identity and reflecting traditional architecture. It is committed to promoting the rural, cultural and natural heritage of Wallonia and is a part of the development of local and responsible tourism.

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