Ny: along the Isbelle valley
Ny owes its beauty to the subtle combination of stone and water.
Ny owes its beauty to the subtle combination of stone and water.
Ny owes its beauty to the subtle combination of stone and water. In this vast valley, the streams of Naive and Douyet gently cradle the limestone buildings. You can ear the whispers of the peaceful sound of water through the many fountains of the village.
Let yourself be bathed in this incredibly soft and soothing atmosphere. Through woods and countryside, walk along the Calestienne, a narrow strip of limestone that leads to the Ardennes. From the heights, you will descend into the valley of the Isbelle stream.
Downstream from the hamlet of Méline, this watercourse runs through the permeable limestone rock and ends up taking an underground route.
Ce circuit vous est proposé en partenariat avec le Royal Syndicat d’Initiative de Hotton.
Royal Syndicat d’initiative de Hotton
Rue Haute, 4
6990 Hotton
Tél. : +32 (0) 84 46 61 22
Site web
The association Les Plus Beaux Villages de Wallonie (The Most Beautiful Villages of Wallonia) oversees a network of 32 villages, bearers of a strong territorial identity and reflecting traditional architecture. It is committed to promoting the rural, cultural and natural heritage of Wallonia and is a part of the development of local and responsible tourism.
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