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Guided tour of the legendary dolmens and standing stones in Wéris


Guided tour of the legendary dolmens and standing stones at Wéris. In addition to guided tours to the museum, the Megaliths Museum can also arrange guided tours of several sites around Wéris: the megalith site (dolmens and standing stones dating back 5,000 years); the stones of legend (the Haina Stone and the Devil’s Bed, natural boulders in the forest); the eleventh-century Romanesque church of St Walburga; the village (a Famenne built heritage site) and the Pudding-Stone geological walking tour (including the pudding-stone “quarry”).


Guided tour of the legendary dolmens and standing stones at Wéris. In addition to guided tours to the museum, the Megaliths Museum can also arrange guided tours of several sites around Wéris: the megalith site (dolmens and standing stones dating back 5,000 years); the stones of legend (the Haina Stone and the Devil’s Bed, natural boulders in the forest); the eleventh-century Romanesque church of St Walburga; the village (a Famenne built heritage site) and the Pudding-Stone geological walking tour (including the pudding-stone “quarry”).

Extra infos

  • Groups welcome
  • Minimum number of people 10
  • Maximum number of people 40
  • English
  • French
  • Dutch


Guided tour of the legendary dolmens and standing stones in Wéris

    • ,
    • 6940 Wéris
    • Belgique
    • 50.3263
    • 5.53044


    • English
    • French
    • Dutch


    • Guided tours for individuals (on request)
    • English
    • French
    • Dutch

    Equipments & services

    • Parking


    • Rating No rating
    • Leisure
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